WOW! It's 2010 already! How long before I get used to writing that date on documents? LOL!
I apologize for my lengthy absence. I caught the flu about a week before Christmas. I must say, that was not great timing. Our preschool class had projects to finish and a party that Thursday - but I managed to stay part of two days to see it through. I really hate missing their parties. The kids had a blast!
Ready for spring? I am! It snowed THREE TIMES in North Texas over a space of two weeks. Anything over 1/4 inch is considered a major event here - 2 to 3 inches might as well be a blizzard. Everything comes to a stand still. And if you're brave enough to drive on ice around here - watch out for the other drivers. We are not ice savvy around here. LOL.
Anyway, I am working on some awesome little outfits for spring - and Easter dresses. My absolute favorite shopping season! Such cute little outfits for kids . . . sigh.
I'll post some pictures soon - so check back!