Just a note of interest - even though I've been sewing for years and years, I've begun attending group classes at a local fabric store. Linda Clifford offers these classes on Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings in the back room of Kay Fabrics in Richardson. With many years of sewing experience, she offers a wealth of information on any subject - alterations, garment construction, tailoring, you name it! As a professional seamstress, she designs bridal gowns, takes custom orders for all types of clothing, and provides alteration services.
The group classes meet from 10-11:30 am on Tuesday mornings, and from 7-8:30 pm on Thursday evenings. Private lessons are available upon request.
Kay Fabrics is located on Arapaho, just West of I75 in Richardson. This store offers fabrics, trims, etc., available nowhere else in the area.
See you there!