Friday, April 29, 2011

Sale on Girls Pillowcase Dresses and Mom's Matching Tops!


Yes, it's time for the pillowcase dresses again . . . and at Auburn, they're on sale!  Little girls dresses and mom matching tops - t-shirt tops or pillowcase tops.  What a  fun way to dress for a photo or outing!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fishing, Anyone?

Okay.  The weather is warm
and the kids want to go fishing with Dad or Grandpa . . . now they have the perfect outfit!  These little outfits are created from 100% top quality cotton twill (lightweight for summer) and completely lined with cool, ivory batiste.  An A-Line dress for the  girls . . . a matching shortall for the boys.  Can be worn alone, or with a tank or tee underneath!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

Yesterday, we celebrated the most Holy Day of the year  - and recognized the resurrection of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Apparently, 11 year old boys have a funny way of celebrating.

Most of you have heard of the new rage - microwaving Peeps.  So, I turn around and notice that my son AND HIS FATHER are standing in the kitchen in front of the microwave, and when I turn to see what they're doing, I find that they are nuking an innocent marshmallow chick. 

Interestingly enough, the little chick does swell to an alarming size before it implodes.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.  And guard your microwaves.

Friday, April 22, 2011

You've Gotta Love It!

Okay, first of all, I really do edit these pictures before I post them.  For some reason, my iPhone pictures always turn sideways on the blog (sigh).  My apologies.  Maybe looking sideways will adjust your neck.  LOL.

Just another quirkey day with Izzie.  This dog seldom sits in a "normal" doggie manner.  She is either sitting "side saddle" like she is in this picture, or laying flat out with her back legs folded out backwards.  We call it her turkey leg position.  Snicker.  If she's sitting on the stairs, she sits with her fanny on one stair and her legs positioned on the next below.

I like quirkey.  Darned good thing!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fabric Hoarding 101

Okay.  I admit it.  I have a problem.  A Big problem.  I love fabric.  No, I mean I REALLY LOVE FABRIC!

I have bolts and bolts of fabric, besides the nice, flat cuts I have stored in my pull-out Ikea bins.  Sigh.

Some of it was purchased for Market and never used . . . some for bazaars that was either never used, or is leftover on the bolt . . . and some awesome lengths from Kay Fabrics when they went out last year.  (Major drool). 

So, I decided to list some of it on Etsy so that other fabric lovers could have a chance at it at a reduced rate.  I mean, let's face it - good fabric is not cheap.

And believe it or not, you CAN'T take it with you.  Although I hold onto the hope that my job in Heaven will have something to do with sewing. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Japan's Tsunami

Picture of a boat resting on a building after the Japan tsunami

As we sit in our homes or offices, bored or complaining about overwork . . . one look at this one photo is enough to make us feel thankful for what we have - shelter, food, clean water . . . and realize that the things we "want" are not truly "needs".

So, take a moment today to pray for the Japanese people and the country of Japan as they try to work through this devastating disaster.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Heirloom, Anyone?

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to make this little heirloom daygown for a client for Easter!  I just LOVE heirloom sewing, with it's fine Swiss cotton fabrics, ecru lace edgings, beadings, entredeux . . .

This daygown was made for a little boy . . . so I used french lace with a tiny dot pattern, and featherstitched between the pintucks at the bodice . . .

I love using beading at the wrists so that the sleeves can be pulled up with silk satin ribbons to  stay up on the arms . . .

This item is also listed on website as a boy option for heirloom.  Have a great day!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Izzie the Bird Dog - Or So She Thinks!

Before you start quaking in your shoes at the ferocious dog pictured, remember that this dog is horrified of EVERYTHING.  If you come to my door, she will try to bite or nip, but mainly in the name of self-preservation.  I thought she was trying to protect me.  Turns out, she's worried about HERSELF.  And, along with being crazy, she's is extremely paranoid.  AND, an Affenpinscher.  Enough said?

Yesterday was an exciting day in the Harkins household.  I left the patio door slightly open, so that Miss I'm-Afraid-To-Be-Outside-By-Myself-Without-The-Door-Open could get in from her potty break.  That was a mistake. 

Because, it seems Izzie's Mockingbird decided to fly in for a play date.  GREAT.  Let's just say after bird and dog flying back and forth across the downstairs, I managed to coax it onto the end of a broom and usher it outstairs.

I have witnesses.  LOL!  Have a great day!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Signs of the Times?

This was LAST week.  Gase was .12 higher today when I filled up my mini van - $55.25.  And I didn't exactly top it off as I have been asked to do "cough".

I've been reading a book titled, Can America Survive? by John Hagee.  In it he writes about the economic state of our country, and outlines the signs of the end of times.  This a Christian book written by a well-known pastor.  And, an good read!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring is in the air . . .

And who says babies have to wear long-sleeved daygowns?  This sweet little knit daygown is perfect for spring and summer weather and comes complete with a little knit cap.  Makes a great baby shower gift!